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Are you ‘Heart Healthy’? Do you know for certain that your diet is targeting being heart healthy? There is a saying, “control what you can control and fix what...

Each day most people listen to a Meteorologist for the weather. Many complain when he/she is not correct. As an Evironmental Scientist, I am outside every...

A new Disney movie? No, simply one of my adventures in the wild. The mink is the beauty in this story. I have had many encounters with this awesome animal. ...

Gardening has grown (no pun intended) over the past few years. My guest on the show is organic gardening expert, Inspector Dave. He will discuss the many...

Animals have a feeding relationship. Either you are the ‘eater’ or the eatee’. How have both prey and predators adapted to outsmart the ‘opposing...

Each year millions of people cut down a Christmas tree on a farm. Obviously, the consumer sees the fully grown tree. I am about to find out what it takes to...

There are many reasons why native plant species are vanishing across America. From the Rocky Mountains where I conducted research on non native plants to the...

Snow or no snow this winter. La Nina will have a say in the matter. A weather pattern that originates in the Pacific could have an adverse effect on US...

So how can seaweed (kelp) help control cow farts and burps? More importantly, can this help with climate change? On this show I teach all about what...

We do not have many bobcat sightings compared to other woodland creatures because they are very elusive. This top predator is pound for pound one of the...