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So what is the longest you have ever sleep for?  You will be amazed about the adventures of the grizzly bear while he is fast asleep!  Snakes are one of my...

When you pass around the cranberry sauce you will also be able to pass some of the coolest facts.  Everything you always wanted to know about turkeys and...

I am sure that something unexpected has happened to you.  My “Don’t Look Now” series is about crazy adventures with critters in the wild.  As a scientist, film...

I have spent so much time in the field and in the lab researching plants.  As an environmental scientist, my list of research includes: non-native plant...

From the very first howl out in the wild you will be hooked! Wolves are truly a majestic animal.  I have spent a great amount of time tracking wolves  as part...

This is the time of the year where parts of the globe undertake major changes in temperature.  Not being prepared for a day hike can ruin the adventure.  As an...

As I travel around the country I am always amazed of the beauty in our natural world.  One of my favorite animals to observe is the Red Tail Fox.  He is...

There have been numerous large storms across the earth in the past few years.  Today I will explore exactly how this process works.  I will also discuss how...

So how good are you at knowing your nature facts. In today’s show, I ask and then answer some the coolest nature trivia. After you have ample time to answer a...

My days roaming the fields and woods on the farm as a boy I knew that I would somehow need to be connected to the outdoors forever. Becoming an environmental...