Classic (1 Column)

Are you ‘Heart Healthy’? Do you know for certain that your diet is targeting being heart healthy? There is a saying, “control what you can control and fix what you can fix”. When was the last time you took a serious look at what you eat? On this show I discuss the nutrition needed to be heart healthy and share with you...

Each day most people listen to a Meteorologist for the weather. Many complain when he/she is not correct. As an Evironmental Scientist, I am outside every day. I have been taught many skills that help me make my own predictions. This show will help you better understand how Meteorolgists make their predictions and...

A new Disney movie? No, simply one of my adventures in the wild. The mink is the beauty in this story. I have had many encounters with this awesome animal. One such meeting included a tug of war over a rainbow trout. Come along for a great...

Gardening has grown (no pun intended) over the past few years. My guest on the show is organic gardening expert, Inspector Dave. He will discuss the many trials and experiments he has conducted in the organic garden. For example, Inspector Dave teaches about green sand. Yes, I said green sand. (photo courtesy of...

Animals have a feeding relationship. Either you are the ‘eater’ or the eatee’. How have both prey and predators adapted to outsmart the ‘opposing team’. On this show I discuss the tactics of both prey and predators. I will also give awesome examples that occur in the wild. (photo by...