Posts by: Joey Bee

Should the day really be called Groundhog Day?  I will present a case for the true prognosticator of spring!  Please enjoy the levity of the show along with a few great nature fun facts. Play in new window |...

If you threw  a bottle with a message in it into the ocean where would it end up?  By learning about surface currents, prevailing winds, and the oceans’ circular patterns you may be able to come up with a reasonable answer. This show takes you around the earth by the movement of the...

Getting into the back country and seeing nature as it is intended to be is one of my favorite days in the outdoors.  My 101 Series on Snowshoeing will teach you how to enjoy a great winter time activity.  It is also an awesome way to stay fit,...

Many people limit activities and hobbies to warmer weather.  There is an awesome winter past time that will bring enjoyment and peace to you.  Set up feeding stations for the birds so that you can view them from the confines of your home,place of work, or school.  Learn all about winter birding so you don’t miss out on...

This show will help all types of gardeners.  Container growing is useful in all types of living situations.  It is perfect for city dwellers, schools, people who travel often, and anyone who loves fresh produce.  Learn how to master the organic method of container...

Have you ever encountered a situation in the wild that was definitely a once in a lifetime chance?  This has happened to me with different critters.  (So for me it was not a one time occurrence).  They are the type of encounters that you can laugh about after the fact.  My Don’t Look Now series brings true stories to...

The power of a volcano can be an awesome display of nature’s fury.  It can also be a slow beautiful flow that show’s the dynamic earth in action.  During this show I discuss how a volcano begins, what causes it to erupt, and the devastation it can unleash upon the...

The amazing comeback of our national symbol from near extinction is one of our great success stories.  I grew up tracking bald eagles along the Delaware River.  The bald eagles from Canada have a unique migration pattern.  This show is dedicated to...

What happens on the moon, stays on the moon! Or not.  I reveal every moon fact that you ever wanted to know. What happened if our first astronauts failed to make it home safely.  I have a copy of President Nixon’s speech about it.  I will share this and other important scientific facts on this...

What is the first word that comes to your mind when someone says “swamp”?  I have a few favorite places on earth to hike in.  Wetlands are always near the top! They are unique, beautiful, and bounding full of creatures (I don’t mean swamp thing).  This show will give you a new perspective and may catapult wetlands to the...