Posts Tagged ‘farmer’

Most people would not use the words beauty and snake in the same sentence. Maybe because they have never seen the corn snake. The colors of the corn snake make it a living painting. Find out why this snake is a friend to farmers.(photo is courtesy of...

I have worn many cowboy hats in my lifetime but only one was my favorite. Sometimes on horseback and other times to keep the sun off me while conducting research in the wild. So how do you know if it is the perfect one for you? You know...

Each pair of my cowboy boots tells a story. I have worn cowboy boots from age four. They have been with me on my life’s journey. So please ride along for a great adventure! Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS

I am sure that something unexpected has happened to you.  My “Don’t Look Now” series is about crazy adventures with critters in the wild.  As a scientist, film maker, and adventurer I have had some zany experiences with animals.  Don’t Look Now But There’s A Flying Squirrel On My Head says it...